Monday, May 2, 2011

Bin Ladennnnnn

So the past two weeks have been busy and great! Diego and I had been together a month and we had officially survived our first month of this deployment! As we were checking week 5 off of our countdown we found out that Osama Bin Laden had finally been found, and killed. After almost 10 years of looking for this terrorist they had finally found him and gave him the outcome that our entire country had been looking for since the day the towers fell on September 11, 2001. Osama has been a well known name for my entire generation from the day that the attacks took place. Everyone has been looking for him. Countless Americans have died in this war to find this sick man. However it is just beginning. Right now our country is celebrating this great victory, however it is not meaning that it is over. Our troops are still over there fighting for this war, and are still risking their lives. They are worried about retaliation from Al Qaeda for the death of their leader. This means all of our security, in country and out, will be tightened and our military is risking their lives even more. Communication for deployed troops will be stricter and will more than likely go out. I am very proud of the men and women who have fought for this country to get to this point, and am very proud of the people still fighting. I am so glad that the victims of 9/11 and this crazy war finally have "revenge" and closure. I just want everyone to keep praying for our military still fighting this war to protect our freedom!

Monday, April 11, 2011


So this used to be all about me and some guy who screwed me over completely. I have completely changed my life and made new changes just for me. I have made choices all by myself. Some were good and others were not so good for other people. I apologize to anyone who I may have hurt over the last 6 months or so. But I needed to do these things for me. None of my decisions were meant to hurt anyone, and if I could I would go back and change all of them so no one got hurt. However, that is completely impossible. It happened. I know I did not do anything wrong per say but I know what I did hurt a few people. So I am sorry. I really am. I really never meant to hurt anyone even though it did happen. But what I did, I did for me and it got me to wear I needed to be. Underneath the deployment mumbo jumbo, I am truly the happiest I have been in years. Diego and I came at kind of a rough time but it happened at the perfect time and neither of us would change it for the world. We have quite a first year together ahead of us but we both know it will definitely be worth it when we look back. I miss him so much and really wish this would have happened way before it did so I had a little more time with him. But it didn't. And we made the best out of what we had.

Come home soon Sunshine!

Remember when!

This was when USMC Gals was like 20 people! haha


#1 Thou shalt not lie about a USMC girl’s man
#2 Thou shalt be supportive of her Marine
#3 Thou shalt never F*** with a Usmcgal because she has more crazy B*****es Backing her up
#4 Thou shalt not be upset if her Marine puts the Corps first
#5 Thou shalt always follow Semper Fi
#6 Thou shalt use your sexy weapon as a last resort
#7 Thou shalt rock something sexy when her Marine gets home
#8 Thou shalt always be prepared to yell OOH-RAH!
#9 Thou shalt always rock his dog tags over pearls any day
#10 Thou shalt always practice PT when her Marine comes home
#11 Thou shalt always be by her phone just in case her Marine calls so she doesn’t miss it
#12 Thou shalt not kill the mailman when waiting for her Marine’s letter
#13 Thou shalt always talk to her gals when she is feeling down
#14 Thou shalt not beat a B****es A** for thinking she misses her man more than a USMC GAL
#15 Thou shalt send care packages for her Marine when he is deployed.

Welcome to the USMCGALS

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes :)

So this whole me updating my blog more thing did not work at all! I have severely slacked on my blog! I am horrible about keeping promises and resolutions. Instead of saying I am going to write once a day or week, I am going to write when something is going on in my life. Considering Diego is deployed it might be quite frequently!

That brings us to our first topic. Diego! Diego and I met December 23, 2010 (I think. He knows though). When I first met him I thought he was straight
stupid. His spelling was ridiculous! I can remember the first few things he said to me. Said I was pretty, and wanted a picture for his phone. I was like what a creep! He was on his way home to Texas and we talked the whole time. We'd talk every few days for a few weeks and then started talking like everyday and skyping. He was on
e of m
y best friends! He found out about a month ago that his deployment was being drastically bumped up. Somehow or another Diego and I developed feelings for each other. While on his pre-deployment leave things completely changed from friends to
dating very quickly. With him having limited time left in the country, we were pretty much
inseparable. I learned soo much about that man it wasn't even funny. I experienced th
ings that I didn't know about until after I tried it, I went beyond my comfort zone, and pretty much lived with Diego the last week and a half he was stat
es side. I am so thankful for the time we had together before he left. Everyday was an adventure with him. Preparing for his deployment was a mess. Packing up everything, moving everything, doing uniforms, and getting as much him and I time into a week and a half! I can't believe how much we managed to squeeze into one week. But we did and so much more! We found a puppy that Diego is madly in love with. His name is Tito
or as I call it Papi Jr. He is so tiny and adorable! We want him so bad! He is a teacup yorkie and is like 1 pound and always has its tongue sticked out!

Tuesday was one of the hardest days ever. I said see you later to my Sunshine for at least 11-12 months. I don't know how people kept straight faces and didn't show any emotion. I was crying like a little baby when they left. I can't believe they are finally gone! I'm waiting to wake up from this dream! I heard from him for the first time in a few days yesterday on facebook! Everyone was getting calls from their Marines, except me. As soon as I went to take a nap he got online. It was great while it lasted! I miss him like f
reaking crazy! I wish he'd come home already and it hasn't been that long! He said he would try to call me last night and didn't. It's so weird. I know I should get used to it but it sucks! Hopefully I hear from him soon though!

Monday, January 17, 2011

I'm only human! and not a whore!

It's been a pretty long week. Classes started back up this week, and life went back to normal. Well as normal as my life can possibly be right now. Other than the fact that my cars engine light was on. So I had to come home on Friday. Friday night the engine light went off. The dealership was closed when we went so it went to the shop this morning and I get to go back home in a few weeks to get the part replaced. Way for 4 hour drives each way!

Yesterday I went and got a whole new phone line and plan and number! I reserved an iPhone and will have it in a few weeks. I tried being nice to Chris and asking him for permission to switch the plan from his to my own or moms. He never responded to my messages, or when we called him yesterday. So I started over. Sounds good right? Well what no one but my mom and the wonderful Verizon man knows is that I almost had a complete breakdown in the Verizon store. It was so exciting but very sad, I guess is what I felt. I was closing one huge chapter of my life, but I was also opening a new chapter. I thought that starting a new plan would be the easiest part of this whole new life I have. And it was. But at the same time, it was me officially being over this whole thing. I have moved on, and I am very happy. But at the same time, the phone was the last tie that we had together. I am so excited today to get the iPhone and be completely done with Christopher.

This weekend my parents and I got into a huge argument. Some of the things that were brought up were things that I had no control about. Like everything that happened with Chris and all the lies he told. Every time anything happens with me, Christopher is brought up. So here is my request from everyone. I would really appreciate it if people didn't keep asking about him, bringing him up, or trying to find out what's going on in his life. I don't know how he is, what's going on with him, what he was thinking when this happened, or where he is anymore. I also don't really care anymore. I no longer want him to be a thought in my life. So it would mean a lot if everyone dropped the subject. If I want to vent or talk about it then let me do so, but don't tell me what is going on with him or anything. I just need this so I don't think about the what ifs anymore, or worry about him and let what could be going on with him affect me. I can't handle what happened always being thrown in my face. Like I meant for any of this to happen. It happens more often than you think and I hate it. It always breaks me down. I did not mean for any of this to happen. Not saying that I regret any of it happening anymore, but I did not choose this.

So let me fix a few of these rumors going around currently. Chris and I are not getting back together, nor are we on speaking terms right now. We are no longer friends anymore. He does not want to contact me, and I do not want to contact him. Yes I have moved on. Yes he has moved on. I cannot speak for him, but I can speak for myself when I say that I am extremely happy right now. I don't know what is going on in his life. I can't pretend that I know. I hear rumors but I won't discuss those because I have not spoken to him about it. Also I am NOT a whore. I AM NOT SLEEPING with ANYONE right now and do not appreciate these accusations. What is going on right now might not be something you agree with or think is right, but I am happy and it feels right. So I would really really appreciate it if I was not called a whore or slut anymore. If you know anything about me you know I am not a whore. So let's just nip that rumor in the bud right now.

I will always care for Christopher, and love him in some way. He was a big part of my life, but it is finally time to completely put him behind and in my past. I am ready for the day that I don't subconsciously worry about him. Especially with the rumors I have heard lately, I do worry about him. But I can't let myself think into that worry. So for now it's just rumors. And Christopher if you read this for some crazy chance I hope you're okay and it really is just rumors.

So my new life is going great! I'm determined to make all A's and B's this semester! I'm not going to spill my guts on the new guy yet. A few of you know about him but for those that do, let's keep it on the down low for a while longer. I don't want to jinx anything. And some people are unsupportive and try to start immature rumors. But just fyi to those people we know the truth. We know what has and has not happened, what has been said and what hasn't. Oh and I hear every rumor and can pretty much tell you exactly who started them. Just sayin' we're not playing these immature games.

It may have taken 2 months but I am so proud to say that I am so much stronger now than I ever was. I am finally happy again, and I'm not letting anyone change that. I haven't had a weak moment in a long time (other than at Verizon...but we'll just pretend like that never happened), and I don't plan on having one for a very long time. Everyone is stronger than they think they are. Everyone has weak moments, and break downs. I am human so I can only expect those moments. But I can promise that they are and will continue to be fewer and farther apart.